What You Can Expect During the First Visit to a Pediatrician

The first two years of a baby are crucial. They should visit their pediatrician occasionally, especially once a month. Even the ones we find healthy should see the doctor. The pediatrician will examine your baby’s growth and development and keep close tabs on your baby’s progress. Below is what you should expect during your first visit with your baby to the pediatrician.
Meet the Nurse
The nurse will be the first one to examine your baby. They will take measurements of your baby’s length and head circumference. They will also weigh them on the weighing scale. All this will be recorded in a growth chart to see how the baby’s growth progresses. The pediatrician will ensure the baby has no signs of problems with their growth.
Developmental Examination
The development of your child is essential. The doctor will establish if their growth is on track by observing their behavior. They will question various milestones they should have attained at their growth stage. If they notice anything to worry you, they will let you know and discuss the best solution during the appointment.
Behavioral Assessment
The behavioral and psychosocial assessment is essential. The pediatrician will ask questions about the baby’s behavior and observe their reactions and actions.
Neck and Collarbone Check
Some babies fracture their clavicle while squeezing through the birth canal. Therefore, the pediatrician must examine it. The pediatrician will feel the baby’s neckline while looking for a broken collarbone. If they find a bump, the damage is starting to heal. Thus, it will eventually heal on its own in a week.
During the baby’s first appointment with a pediatrician, the parent is always nervous. With the above highlights, you now understand what to expect.
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